Co-Laborating for Change? The future of peace and security in an age of crises

From 25 to 27 June 2025, IFSH is organising an international workshop on the promises and challenges of participatory research in an age of multiple, complex, and interconnected crises in the conctext of its “Doing Peace!” program, a multi-annual research program in which IFSH researchers experimented with participatory and practice-oriented methods in peace and security research. 

The workshop will focus on three broadly defined thematic areas

Uncertain futures and temporalities of the polycrisis 
Spatialities of peace and conflict 
Technologies and practices of security 

The workshop aims to provide an environment for creative and thought-provoking interdisciplinary debates on the benefits and challenges of participatory research.

Participation / Call for Paper
If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please find a full Call for Papers here. Travel and accommodation will be covered for workshop participants. 

Please submit an abstract of 250 words by Friday, 21 February 2025, to

Workshop organisers
Holger Niemann (
Delf Rothe (
Ursula Schröder (

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