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Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (AFK) ist eine wissenschaftliche Ver­einigung, zu der sich FriedensforscherInnen aus dem deutsch­spra­chigen Raum aus verschiedenen Diszipli­nen zusammengeschlossen haben.

AFK-Kolloquium 2017 / EuPRA and AFK Joint Conference

Montag, 13. März 2017

AFK-Kolloquium 2017 / EuPRA and AFK Joint Conference

„Peace and Conflict Studies from the margins to the center. Rethinking Europe in an unequal world“ - Extended Deadline: 25 September 2016

In March 2017, the European Peace Research Association (EuPRA) and the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, AFK) will hold a joint conference on "Peace and Conflict Studies from the margins to the center. Rethinking Europe in an unequal world". The conference will take place from 16 - 18 March 2017 in Schwerte (nearby Dortmund), Germany, and is organized in cooperation with Evangelische Akademie Villigst.

We invite all scholars to present their academic work on the political challenges Europe is currently facing, while reflecting on the continent´s role and responsibilities in light of global power structures.

The program is now available here; you can find the flyer following this link. Also, registration for the conference and accomodation at the academy is now possible via this link. Since the registration form is only available in German you can find a translation here.

Moreover, this document provides you with more information on how to get to the conference venue "Haus Villigst" in Schwerte.

Next to that, a guided tour through UNESCO World Heritage "Zeche Zollverein" has been organized for those who are interested in one of the most important areas of industrialisation in Europe. The tour will take place right after the conference has ended on Saturday, 18 March. If you are interested, you can also visit the homepage of Zeche Zollverein. 

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